"In 2017, the average American family spent about $40 to $50 each month on cleaning supplies, roughly calculating to $600 a year. This amount is usually spent on cleaning supplies that have one-time use, not reusable or washable materials."
Many consumers consider bottled water to be a part of their regular grocery expense. Families spend $10 or more PER PERSON every month on bottled water. We provide unlimited pure water in your home for far less money without the waste.
The cost of a plumber ranges from $175 to $450 for a typical job with the average cost per hour ranging from $45 to $200. This can include jobs like repairing faucets, toilets, sinks or bathtubs. Avoid these issues by treating your water before it enters the home.
Studies prove that hard water not only reduces efficeincy but can shorten the life of your appliances by as much as 50%! Furthermore, hard water damages faucets, showerheads and toilets resulting in more added cost to you.
Give us a call or send us a message to learn more about our products and services. Most families transition with ZERO out of pocket expense!
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